Looking back on 2018

A year in review


Hiking South Africa is only 1 year old, but already we can see that the South African hiking community is alive and kicking and growing at a healthy rate. Here are some stats from 2018.

Total website traffic

In 2018, Hiking South Africa had a total of 88 973 unique visitors from all over South Africa, as  well as a few thousand international visitors, which resulted in 466 655 pageviews. We’re very excited to see an almost 50/50 gender split in our audience, with 53.4% female and 46.6% male.


We posted a total of 134 articles in 2018, broken up in the following categories:

  • News & Articles: 24
  • Videos: 40
  • Gear Reviews: 13
  • Trails: 57

Community forum

Our Community Forum is sitting at 470 members, and in 2018 we saw 119 new topics discussed. As a free resource to the hiking community of South Africa, we hope to see it being used by more hikers in 2019.

Thanks for all your comments, input and enthusiasm and a special big thank you to those of you who submitted content for publishing!

All the best for 2019! Happy hiking and be safe out there!

About Hiking South Africa 110 Articles
Hiking South Africa aims to serve and grow the South African hiking community as a central, national community resource.


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